Let us solve all of your water heater-related problems, from new installation, repairs or replacement.
One of the most common problems that we encounter with regard to water heaters is that the pilot doesn’t stay lit. Simply follow the instructions on the front of the water heater for re-lighting. If the pilot still won’t light or stay lit, the problem may be more serious. The problem could be the thermocouple.
The Thermocouple
- The thermocouple is a safety device, whose job is to assure that, in the event that the pilot goes out, gas won’t travel to the pilot or the main burner.
- The thermocouple is positioned so that the flame of the pilot is always hitting it.
- While the flame is hitting the thermocouple it generates a small electrical charge.
- This electrical charge tells the control valve that it is safe to send gas to the pilot and to the burner.
- If the thermocouple fails, the control valve shuts down and your pilot goes out and won’t stay lit. Our highly-trained technicians will quickly diagnose and solve your water heater problem.

Thermostatic Control Valve
Another common water problem is that the thermostatic control valve can wear out.
- This valve is the brains of the unit. It controls all of the function of the heaters.
- The main function is to regulate the temperature of the water.
- If the water in your house is not hot enough, the problem could be that the temperature is not set to a high enough setting. This is a simple repair. Just turn the dial up to a hotter setting. If this does not fix the problem, give us a call. The problem could be that the thermostat has gone out on the water heater. If that is the case, the control valve would need to be replaced.

Noisy Water Heaters
People sometimes complain that their water heaters makes rumbling noises. This noise can be loud and sounds ominous. The problem is caused by an excess buildup of sediment in the heater. The sediment builds up and traps water between the layers. When the sediment heats up, the trapped water escapes and makes noise. One call to us and we will solve all of your water heater-related problems.
Warning– Water heaters run on gas and have complex safety systems. Repairs to your equipment are better left to a professional plumber. Don’t take chances with your safety or the safety of your family members.
There are a number of water heater plumbing code requirements:
- Every new water heater should have an expansion tank installed. At SMART Plumbing every new heater installation come with an expansion tank, at no extra charge. If existing water heater already has an expansion tank, we will replace it at no extra charge. Usually, expansion tanks go bad before the water heater does.
- Water Heaters are also required to have a temperature and pressure relief valve. This is another safety device which prevents excess pressure from building up in the heater. In this case, the pipe would need to be run to the outside. At SMART Plumbing, we are happy to install the valve or piping to bring the water heater up to code.

Signs that you need a new water heater or a repair. Here are some easy way to find out. Some may require a periodic checking while others become obvious only after things have gone wrong:

- The water is coming out rusty or some other non-clear color.
- The water isn’t getting hot enough.
- The water isn’t getting hot at all. While this could indicate that the pilot light is out or the circuit breaker has been tripped, it can also indicate a failure of the whole heating system.
- If the water has a strange odor or metallic taste, it’s a sign that the water heater is breaking down.
- Loud pops and cracks may tell you that the heating element is failing.
- Leaks around the water heater are significant signs of trouble. This may indicate major failure happening internally. You should shut off the electricity or the gas and let it cool down before replacing it.
- If it’s older than 10 years, it is not worth repairing it, as it’s at the end of life expectancy.
To start, lets understand that water expands when heated.
In terms of a water heater, as the water it heats up, it will expand and look for somewhere to go, creating pressure. Check valves prevent the water from flowing back into the municipal water supply, which helps your municipality protect the city water supply from contaminants.
So now, where does that water go as it expands? Most water heaters have little room inside for expansion. However, even though water doesn’t normally expand by much, any system can fail. In this case, the expanding water flows into the expansion tank, which is usually more than enough to handle the assumed pressure from your water heater.

Without a safe place for the expanded water to go, you can experience a total failure of your water heating system. This is a fancy way of saying that your water heater and/or pipes can burst. The plumbing code today require an expansion tank to be installed with new water heater install. Someone who is handy with tools can install their own. If you have doubts, though, call us today.
Today, users don’t want to wait 1-3 minutes, sometimes 3-5 minutes, for hot water to arrive at the faucet or shower when they turn it on. Everybody wants it in less than 10 seconds. A hot water recirculation pump can do that, as well as prevent lukewarm water being dumped down the drain by bypassing it into the cold water line. This process saves water, utility costs, and energy and sewer expenses. It also helps reduce the fresh water shortage.
Never wait for hot water again. The hot water recirculation pump provides hot water at every faucet or shower when needed, eliminating wasting water.
Our technicians can install the pump on any water system and its operation is quiet and maintenance free. Once installed you’ll enjoy hot water at every faucet within seconds. No more running water for minutes so you can have a hot shower. Give us a call today and we’ll help you out.